Tony Loughran
Tony has over 30 years’ experience working in some of the world’s most dangerous, hostile & remote locations. He served as a UK Commando Medic and was part of a specialist counter terrorism team before being head hunted to join BBC TV & News as its Head of High Risk. This role entailed the development of the BBC’s first ever Hostile Environment Policy, and the implementation of Specialist High Risk Training, which was essential for news operations, particularly during the Balkan War. In 2003 and following an incredibly successful career covering every significant global conflict, Tony emigrated to Australia and established ZeroRisk International.
Tony, a published author, has vast experience in world affairs & works with Global News Networks & National Radio as a subject matter expert & On Air presenter including Keynote Speaking.
16-Apr-2025Main TheatreBusiness Travel Risk Forecast 2025/2026